Now lets have some fun with files in linux terminal.
The simplest way to create a file is as follows
cat >hello.txt
this is a very good message
when you finish typing the matter press ctrl+d to save and close the file.
this will create a file named hello.txt with the matter "this is a very good message".
Now to view the content of a file type
cat file_name
for example: cat anil.txt
This will display the contents of file anil.txt
now to copy a file from a source to destination we use cp command .
Syntax is as follows
cp source destination
for example to copy the file anil.txt from /media/vol1/anil to /media/vol2/anoop
cp /media/vol1/anil/anil.txt /media/vol2/anoop
above command will cpoy the file "anil.txt" located in /media/vol1/anil to the loacation /media/vol2/anoop
to delete a file type
rm filename
for example to delete the file anil.txt type
rm anil.txt